- My Super Chocolate Cream Meringues
- My Mum helped me as well
- Preheat oven to 150 degrees
- 4 Egg Whites whipped till stiff
- slowly add 1 cup of sugar while still beating
- then add 2 TBSP corn flour and 1 tsp White vinegar ,whip till combined, stiff and glossy white.
- Pipe or dollop onto a baking sheet , reduce temp to 120 degrees and place tray into oven. Cook for 1 hour and 20 mins.
- When cold melt chocolate and dip bottoms of meringues then sandwich together with whipped cream YUMMMY

Those look so good Bella - I like that you added food colouring... and the chocolate to stick them together!! Yum - I have never thought of doing that.