Welome to Totara Whānau we are a year 5 and 6 class at Oruaiti school in the Far North. Our teacher is Whaea Jorja.
Monday, December 6, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Radio made by Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is rightly considered the grandaddy of Serbian inventors, and it is no stretch to say that this article could be titled ’11 Amazing Things Nikola Tesla Gave The World’. Some of the spotlight must be shone on the other great minds of Serbian history however, so just a few of Tesla’s inventions will be featured here. Rest assured, there is a lot more where this comes from.
Friday, November 26, 2021
the house of rush
“Beep beep beep 6:00 wack up” bang the clock hit the ground with a thud
Emily flung here covers of her bed “ Emily are you awake yet” said mum thad thad thad I was out of breath I sat down on the chear and ate my food really fast I was in a harey then i got my school close on then i ran down the stairs and said by mum be for i left the house.
At lunch
Ring the bell rang for lunch “Emily wears your lunch” said Lara “ we “where in a rush again this morning” “your all wase in a rush Emily i wish you where never in a rush” my heart sank Lara always gave me good idears but I thort she meant to ignore my mum because she always macks me in a rush.
Home time
My mum was made at me because I got a b- for all my test mum was really mad at me that she said “you're grounded till you get a A+ on all your test go up to your rome and stay in there till dinner” thad thad thad I ran up to my rome in tears.
I was thinking about way my mum and dad they were divorce my dad is a lovely man and my mum is a lovely woman they were good together nook nook “ Emily dads home” I jumped out of my seat and rand down the i leaped in to his arms then i saw a girl behind him then she pushed me on the ground “ don't tuch my dad you rat” “sorry hi im Emily and this is my mum nancy welcome to my home”.
Dinner time
I eat all my food we had fish and chips yum “dad who is your wife it would be nice to meat her” I said in sipriserd “why are you really in tareached in her” “I have not meat her yet… “hunny enough we are never meeting her ever” as soon as
dinner was over my dad left with his daughter slam went the door I ran up the stairs to my rome and slammed my door I lied on my bed watching Harry porter.
At 11:00
“Bed time hunny… hunny… hunny” clomp clomp bang the door flung open my mum was happy I was fast asleep in my bed “ thank gonice she did not jump out of the window” “ah ah ah ah ah ah” mum what is wrong there's a rat I lent over and picked it up the rat ran round my hand then fall to sleep I oped th door and placed him on the ground...
to be cotund
Lucius malfoy
Lucius malfoy had a pale, pointed face, with pale blond hair and cold green eyes.
Lucius malfoy was a death eatet
his age is 41 but he died in 2020 but if you find his bones you beater watch out
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
number 8 wire
on Wednesday we went into puriri class to made things out of jeans or tent's.
The things we made were togs bags, bags and aprons our teachers were Joe And Shireen They helped us with the cutting and the sewing. In the op shops they Throw 7 loads of trolleys with clothes on it every week into the bin.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Whaea Kenya
To Whaea Kenya
You always make me feel like I can do anything.
Your games involve everyone that has made me feel so cool thank you so much I appreaciate it alot you make me feel like I can do every thing from Bella.
ONE DAY THERE WAS A BIg DRAGON named Indigo. she FlieS WITH Her FAMILY AND her FRIEND her name is inigo and she is really big and strong Indigo IS THE BIGGEST DRAGON OUT of all THE DRAGONS IN THE WORLD.
As he was day dreaming his door maid came and interrupted and said
“MASTER I MEAN YOUR MAjesty Indigo IS AT YOUR DOor” said linda “TALL her I’M IN THE shower and say come back at 12:00 and she can have lunch with me and talk now leave me alone don't disturb me thank you Linder”.
So linder walked to the door and said.
“ so sorry he is in the shower it normally it takes him till lunchtime so maybe you should come
So then Indigo went to her nest and sat down on her bed she was very excited that she forgot what she was going to say but luckily she wrote it on a piece paper to remember.
At 12:00
Indigo went back to the cave and knocked on the door to see if he was there but as usual he wasn't answering his door when it became 12:04 someone answered the door.
“Hi im here for the king he wanted to talk for a while”said indigo
The door man said “ sorry but his Majesty is having a meeting right now you may not came in “
“ ok “ Indigo replied then she turned around then she tured around again and slapped him in the face it made the man very mad he stoodup and he said “you want a fight”
Indigo said “fine meet me at lake Drool at 5:00 to night”
5:00 at night
Indigo was waiting there for a long time then he finally showed up “ what took you so long” said indigo
I was um um um sleeping in a little bit he said but you said we were going to have a fight and you didn't show up do you still want to have the fight Indigo replied the door man gulped and said yes bring it on
So indigo walked towards him then he ran away.
7:00 in the morning
Someone knocked on Indigo’s door Indigo said who is it “it is his majesty” “hold on a moment” she replied
There was a lot of noise in her house then the house door opened Indigo looked out side and there was a red carpet laid down but no majesty
“ um where is the king” said Indigo
“ oh we have a Queen” said the royal guards
“Who is the royal Queen” said Indigo
The guards laughed and said “you are Indigo”
“Thank you but i cant, why not? because i have a life and family “they and you can live in the castle with you” they replied. The end
The Tasmin sea.
We were on a double decker bus heading to the other side of the world behind me was Anik and her mum.
Then the waves were coming down “I said to Anik where going to drive? To the magical land'' Anik's mum said we will drive to the magical place like Harry potter. Then we heard a big crash the waves bellowed towards as the bus flipped over into the willow tree it smarst the bus all the people ran out of the bus the only people in side of the busit was Anik and me. Anik tired into Hermione Granger I tired into Luna Lovegood . this is me bella
To be continued...
Monday, November 1, 2021
time travley
Me and my friend Anik woke up from an earth quake and we were in the stone age.
There was a piece of paper on the ground on it was whiting it said “find a cave panting if you find the correct cave panting you will teleport to2021 again
But if you don't find the panting by night you will stay as cave people for ever”…
“We better find the cave panting ” I said me and Anik ran out side of the cave and saw 12 cave people looking at us they growled at me andAnik. Anik growled back I looked at her in fear the cave people looked at us mad so we ran as fast as we could.
“Sight we got away” we looked behind us in horary they where still fooling us “boof” Anik and I fell on aware back and looked up and scheermes “ah ah ah” there was a huge “golp” mammoth Anik fantiod.,
The mammoth had raging eyes I quickly snched Anik’s arme and dragged her. my heart was beating harder and harder each steep Anik woke up and then fainted again I was tired “I would do anything to keep Anik Alive and I bet she would two”.
I found a cave I dropped Anik and fall face ford on something soft I screamed “ why me” then i fantiod. Next thing i no I was in a cave I said “Anik” then i saw Anik looking at a cave panting Anik said “ Bella my finger disappeared whin i touched it”I said “nice” then it hit me that panting is the way out go thru it” she said “are you dume” the I pushed Anik into the panting then i leaped into it. I oped my eyes and we were home.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
2021 environment award
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
totara te wiki o tereo mori
on Rahina/ Monday learnt how to play topiri witch is dice champs
on rato/ Tuesday we also learnt how to play ika ika witch is like fishy fishy
on rapa/ wensday and we learnt how to play whui
on rapa/ thusday
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
the legendary ship
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
Bella's lockdown
In lockdown it is very 🥱on Wednesday after school my 👨👩👧👦 got 🗣 that there was covid in Auckland my 🙍♀️🙎♂️ wrnt happy at all they Nelly 🤯 but they did not
i was so sad i 😭and went to 
Friday, August 13, 2021
how to make a hot chocolate ?
Hot Chocolate
- milk
- water
- Milo
- marshmellow
- cup
- spoon
- jug
- get your cup
- then get the ingredients out.
- boil the jug
- pour the milk in the cup
- add a teaspoon of Milo in the cup
- when jug has bold pour the water in but only half way in the cup
- add two to three marshmallows
- stair then you can drink and enjoy.
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Friday, July 9, 2021
My octopus teacher
The ink makes you go very fast like a rocket. This thing has mega power to look after it.
One day a man named Craig decided to go in the water.
Then he found a stack of shells on top of each other, then when a fish came by the stack of shells she pounced on the fish and had it for dinner.
Craig was impressed so he wanted to come every day.
When he found the octopus he pulled out his camera and filmed the sea life.
On the second day Craig visited the octopus and he was really excited for another adventure with the octopus.
It's like he liked the water more than the surface. Craig loves visiting the octopus because he learns a lot from her
One time the octopus was being chased by a pj shark and she hid from it in a hole, but the pj shark sensed her and attacked her and bit one of her tentacles off.
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Monday, June 28, 2021
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Making a ukulele
- what is a luthier ? it's a person how works with
- how long does it take Dave to make a ukulele ? it takes about a week.
- find a diagram of a ukulele
Thursday, June 17, 2021
The prison that inspired me was my sister.
The prison that inspired me was my sister.
Abi is my sister.
She makes me fell like the best sister I could ever be.
Sometimes Abi looks up to me like im a pearit she also plays with me when I am alone with Abi we can mack up enny think to play I think I have the coolest sister in the world.
My other sibling are cool as weal but not as cool as Abi.
I fell like I’m Abi’s twin but sadly I'm not witch makes me very sad.
At home Abi is like my best friend and at school she acts like me. Every tine i say no she all was make begs so much I have to say yes.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Monday, May 31, 2021
Monday, May 24, 2021
Our novel 'CUZ'
On monday 24th may liz van der laarse came to our school and though to as about cuz the book.
In Totara class we have been reading this Novel called Cuz - by Liz Van der laarse. The Author is the mother of whaea Meg (a teacher at our school).
she all so made 3 more books. when she a year 7 she roght a bookThis book is about two cousins that get lost in the New Zealand bush.
This book is exciting, we really like it because it is a big adventure. - Totara class feedback
Questions we want to ask the Author:
Indy - Who is the artist who illustrated the book cover? the compion not liz van der laarse.
Why did You call it cuz. ? because there was two cousin in the native bosh.
How old were you when you Started writing? 50
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Monday, May 17, 2021
my speech
Hi my name is Bella.
Why pets are so important to my family.
Pets are a very important to me and my family because they give me company and love,they keep you calm they clean up after you, they catch pests and they can help us.
I must say that Pets are important because they keep you calm. We have a pet dog cald Patch he keeps us calm by playing with us and a nather thing is he seems calm.
Pets are important because they look after you they give you love and company. My dog patch sleeps with me all the time patch and he pots his headon my lap and liked my elbow .
They help us like guide dogs.
Canines have a positive psychological effect making their owners feel more confident and secure. Blind people with guide dogs are better equipped to set out into the world with their trusted friend.
And they clean up after you and eat scraps- grose.
And a most important thing is that they catch pests. But not all pets catch pests.
Some dogs have heaps of love with you so you should have more courage in your pet.
Because they might seem small but there more then you think they’re Incredible. pets like dogs, cats, fish, rabbit, turtles, parrot, hamsters, mice, horses, pigs, goats, budgies and lambs have ther one reason why there Important .
Now I wont to show you what me and my dog do at home. This is patch my dog Patch and I play tag and usually im always in.
I love patch he is like my brother.
Patch lies in my bedroom when I am in there I dont care about it im just a nice girl named Bella im so lucky to have a dog.
Hear is a story when patch was a little Puppy.
We where looking for a dog we went to a place
With a lot of Dalmation dogs like the movie101 dalmations
There was one girl dog named Princes
And there was patch and Batman, Superman ther mums namen is Bella like my name im not joking it is true. There was one girl and three boys.
We where looking for a dog then patch came up to us that made me very happy.
Pets are so important to my family.
Thank you for listening to my Speech .
Friday, May 7, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
love birds
Hi my name is Malinda and my husbands name is Nick. I always do work and I always haveto do the stupid washing ,I have to clean after my husband, specially those dirt socks andthose undies yuk!!!!!!!!”, ”He even farts every where, he just sits on the couch and watches TV like the laziest mouse in the world,” “On the bright he teaches my son and daughter wood work.
And he cuts the wood, well he teaches them everything because we home school them.”
“I wish he could finely invited me to the fancy mouse restaurant (sight).”
“Even i wont to surprise Nick.”
“but Nick surprised me he brought me to the fancy mouse restaurant I was so happy what i almost screamed my head off.”
“ hi my name is Nick and my wife's name is Malinda some time’s I do work with my wife.
My wife dues all the work around the house.
I teach my son and daughter wood work and I do washing which is usually
dirty socks and undies YUK!!!!!!!!. Most of the time i sit and watch mouse rugby
I fart a bunch Malinda does not mind some Times Malinda farts to no one can beat Malinda
I love Malinda
I’m going to surprise hear with a day out just Malinda and me.
I’m bring Malinda to a famous mouse cafe I need to bock a time ”